How to treat fall broadleaf weeds?
Apply a fall broadleaf weed herbicide to tackle the summer weeds that are popping up, for example spurge or new dandelions that sprouted from seed that blew in from the neighbor’s lawn. Weeds love to take root along the edges of your driveway or in bare spots in your lawn. This Fall Broadleaf Weed Control and Fertilizer application will take care of those pesky weeds.
Included in this treatment is a balanced fertilizer containing nitrogen and potassium, which will aid in maintaining your lawn’s healthy root system and appearance.

They are very knowledgeable about what they do. I can already tell a difference after just one application of their product. I highly recommend!!
Summers are typically Hot and Dry
Usually summer brings hot and dryness, along with nutsedge (a light green, tall sedge) in your yard, and sometimes even crabgrass breakthrough in years that we have excessive rains that breaks down the pre-emergent applied in March. Both nutsedge and crabgrass will die after the first, heavy frost. However, in cases of severe infestation, call the office to schedule a nutsedge or crabgrass treatment.

Remember Proper Mowing Is Key
Improper mowing is one of the most common causes of weed invasion and insect damage. Mowing heights that are too short will result in weakened grass plants and weed encroachment. Short grass is susceptible to disease and drought damage. Ants and other insects prefer to live in grass that has been scalped short.
Lawns should be mowed to a height of 3.5 inches or higher during the hot, dry summer. So set your lawn mower wheels at their highest or second-highest setting.
Turf mowed at this height will be the greenest, because grass blades are healthiest at this height. Individual grass plants provide healthy shade for themselves and each other at taller heights, as well as shading the topsoil and roots better.
Your yard will need less watering and will stop weeds from germinating when the grass is taller.
Fall is the time to seed
Hard, compacted soils take away your lawn’s breath. They keep water and fertilizer away from the roots, too. Let us open up your soil and help control thatch with power core aeration. We’ll create thousands of growth pockets to catch water, air, and fertilizer and increase rooting.
Core aeration is one of the best things we can do for your lawn. The process involves using an aerator to remove 2” to 3” cores of soil throughout your lawn. These cores are left behind to dissolve, helping to speed up the process of thatch breakdown. After aeration, your lawn will begin to expand toward the open holes in the soil, resulting in healthier grass with thicker, deeper roots. The perfect time to overseed your lawn is after aerating.
Whether you rent an aerator or schedule us to aerate your lawn, Fall is a great time to aerate and overseed.